An 18-year-old student, Lily Heaume, is getting herself creative by making penis sculptures modelled on her numerous sexual adventures.
Lily exhibited her art at the Hampstead School of Art
Heaume has designed ten ceramic willies from memory based on each of the men she has slept with. She started moulding the different manhood she comes across after she received an angry text from a previous partner. Lily displays her erotic pottery on a mantelpiece
She started with the angry partner's and then it became something she decided to do always. She was working in the studio at the time he got the angry partner's message so she just started modelling it using clay. She then carved "liar" into the sculpture.
The 18-year-old makes penis sculptures modelled on her past lovers
She then decided she would continue to design a clay clone for each of the notches on her bedpost. Each penis is painted white, adorned with a small blue flower and carved with a message personal to the owner.
She has made 10 in total for her art project
Those are ten penis sculptures, means she's had contact with 10 penises at age 18?
A giant ribbon will not hang in front of the White House. No marches
will be held. The lights on the Empire State building will not shine a
special color. Instead, March 24th - World TB Day-is just like most
any other day. Little attention will be paid to the fact that
tuberculosis is now the number one infectious disease killer in the
TB has long been the stepchild of the three major global health
diseases - AIDS, TB and malaria. A major reason why is that TB
primarily impacts people living in poverty, those who are voiceless or
whose voices are simply ignored. It is ironic that a curable disease
remains a disease fighting to gain attention.
It is also ironic that at a time when Ebola and Zika have put our
nation on notice about serious health threats, the same concern is not
given to TB, which can spread like wildfire just by coughing. We need
to look no further than Marion, Alabama to see how quickly TB can
overwhelm a city. TB in Marion is now worsethan in man...
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