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Foreign news British minister admits to having relationship with prostituteForeign news British minister admits to having r

British minister says he stopped relationship with sex worker after
discovering her profession
– Adds that the incident happened before he became a minister
John Whittingdale admits to having relationship with a prostitute.
John Whittingdale, a British minister on Tuesday, April 12, admitted
to being a in a relationship with a sex worker, stating that he did
not know her profession at the time.
BBC reports that the minister made the confession but added that he
had broken off the relationship (which was before he became a
minister) having discovered the womans tricks to sell her story to a
He said:"This is an old story which was a bit embarrassing at the
time. The events occurred long before I took up my present position
and it has never had any influence on the decisions I have made as
Culture Secretary.
"Between August 2013 and February 2014, I had a relationship with
someone who I first met through She was a similar age and
lived close to me.
"At no time did she give me any indication of her real occupation and
I only discovered this when I was made aware that someone was trying
to sell a story about me to tabloid newspapers. As soon as I
discovered, I ended the relationship."
Whittingdale also headed the Commons Culture, Media and Sport
committee and was famous for grilling media boss Rupert Murdoch over
the phone-hacking scandal at the now-defunct News of the World.
"It seems the press were quite deliberately holding a sword of
Damocles over John Whittingdale," Labour shadow cabinet minister Chris
Bryant stated.
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