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Romantic love Story

Late Night Rendezvous
I crossed the conference room making a beeline directly for him. I had
sat in my seat during his entire presentation getting wetter by the
moment watching him walk around and discuss the latest financial
forecast for the company. I sat in the second row gazing at him during
the entire presentation, watching him walk slowly back and forth in
his dark blue pin striped suit with his white shirt and perfectly
paired tie. He looked like a typical upper management type, with his
short trimmed hair and the glasses that sat across the bridge of his
nose making him look not only intelligent but gave him a hint of being
a nerd and that I loved. He was tall well over six feet probably
closer to six foot five inches. He was at least 10 inches taller than
my own five foot seven inches. I saw him talking with one of my
co-workers and hung back a little waiting for them to finish up. As he
glanced up from his conversation with her, he saw me standing there
and gave me a quick wink. Looking back at her, he smiled a row of
beautiful white teeth and a dimple in his right cheek. My eyes swept
over his tanned face with his pronounced brow, up to his dark blond
trimmed hair, back down to his deep blue eyes hidden behind his square
framed glasses. He was attractive in a different way, he did not have
the rugged good looks or the pretty-boy look either, he was just an
intelligent, handsome man. My gaze traveled down his body taking in
his slightly muscular chest, he was fit but not overly muscular as
some men get that spend hours in the gym, he had more of a strong
toned look to his tall slim build. He had very long legs that came up
well past my waist, given his tall stature this was not a surprise.


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